The Word

In the beginning, was the Word. And the Word was with the people and the Word was treasured by the people. Word was traded by everyone and consumed entirely. It was used not just to communicate, but people started to manifest it in a more concrete form, to pass down knowledge, and to entertain more…

My Truth

So, after a month of being here, I’m ready to speak my mind.

Positive Affirmation

I’ve recently realised that I have lost the ability to give praise.  This is a pretty big stumbling block when you consider that I’m spending a year teaching small children. Positive affirmation is a pretty important tool in schools, as I have been learning. You need to find something to praise a child for when…

A Letter on Heartbreak

Recently, in my evaluation of human patterns, I have come to the conclusion that events, no matter how significant at the time will eventually become insignificant. Events that break friendships, relationships, hearts, will – in time – stop seeming like such a big deal. That doesn’t make the pain any less justified but it does…


As a society, we like to apologise for other people’s pain. It’s something I’ve always struggled to understand, I was taught that to apologise is to say that you aren’t going to do the thing you did wrong again, why apologise when someone has lost a loved one or when they have had a breakup?…

Pot. Kettle. Black.

This is just a quick essay that I had to write for my English Language A Level course and I thought some the points I thought of were quite interesting and relevant to the current climate 🙂    The sun never sets on the British Empire. These were the words used to describe the British…

Stories of a metro ride

I sat down in the first seat I saw, eager to get off my already sore feet. It was only 10 o’clock and already the heat was sweltering and it felt as if I had been walking for days.  Rifling in my bag, eager to avoid all the other lost souls aimlessly travelling the metro,…

I have just a few words to say to you.

If you are lucky enough to be able to vote in this election, do it. If you don’t, what is the point in even having a democracy? I don’t care who you vote for, as long as you do it. You have a chance to change something. Democracy needs you. Register to vote. Just do…


​It hung over me, like me own little cloud pouring glorious rain on me. I don’t know where it had come from, it had just appeared. I hadn’t felt it for months, the thrill, the excitement, the need. A feeling of belonging, when the whole world just suddenly clicks and you are right. I could…

Growing up

Have you ever just stopped and thought… ‘I’m growing up’? Has the realisation ever just hit you, slap bang, right in the middle of your face? It’s been doing that to me a lot recently. I’m not sure whether it was the filling in of sixth form applications or my friends starting to get married…

The Faulty Lamp Light

As normal, everything was normal in this very normal village. The silence hung heavy in the night air. The moon was high in the sky, full and bright basking the little houses in it’s white light. No sound, no movement, in fact the only sign that this village had not been abandoned years ago was…


Bangladesh is the night never silent. The sharp hum of crickets, The call of the frogs.   It’s the roar of the horns, The tinkle of the bikes, The shouts hanging in the air.   Bangladesh is the air full of scent, The heavy smell of tobacco, The lingering of fried spice.   It’s the…