
The lights shine on
Dazzling, blinding, stunning
She takes a breath
Her heart in her throat
The only noise comprehensible in the vast stage
All the eyes
Blue, green, hazel, brown
Focused on her.

The music starts
She runs, she jumps, she twirls
She’s twisted into shapes for their amusement
Her friends and family form the crowd
Close and distant
Their faces morph from joy to disapproval
As she moves from one movement to another.

No matter how hard she tries
One will always remain
Who will not be impressed by her show
People who mean the most to her
Will not understand the choices she chooses.

She tries to please them
She moves as they tell her
She acts as though she thinks the way they do
Her act may work for a while
But they change the rules of their game
Without any warning
Every day
But one day her show will end.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Alaine says:

    Beautiful poem! Sad ending… 😦

    Dance the dance of life with abandon.

    1. amorypowell says:

      I didn’t really know what was coming until I wrote it all. I just let the words flow out of me… Thanks πŸ™‚

      1. That’s always the very best way to write poems.. Just let the words flow πŸ™‚ Beautiful

      2. amorypowell says:

        Poems are meant to flow, I love the feeling the give!

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